Computer Services at the University

סגל האגף למחשוב



Acceptable Use of Computing  Resources

The acceptable use of all computing resources, including computers, networking, hardware, software and files, is restricted to the university's policy, as appears in the Division for Computation’s site, under the section: Policy on Acceptable Use of Computing and Networking Resources.


Personal University Email Address - HujiMail


When you are admitted, the University provides you with a personal university Gmail account. This email remains available to students throughout their studies and official correspondence from the University is sent to this address.

All correspondence between the Hebrew University and the students is conducted through this email box only.

The email account information including the address and initial password will be sent to the personal email used for registration within a few days of receiving notification from the University. In addition, the email address will be displayed on the Personal Information site.

To login and set a new password, visit the site:

Hebrew University graduates can continue using this account indefinitely.

Students who do not complete their degree will be notified that their account is about to be closed, about a year after they were last registered as students.

Additional guidelines and information are available on the Computation Authority website




Courses Enrollment

Students access the course enrolment systems using their ID number (8 digits, without the control digit) and their Personal Code that is received during registration. The system is accessed at To update/change the personal code, go to the computation department’s site

Connecting to a campus Wi-Fi network


There are two Wi-Fi networks on campus: HUJI-guest and eduroam. HUJI-guest does not require authentication but has no access to library e-resources.

Eduroam is an international academic network. Besides the access you gain in other educational institutes, a full access to HUJI resources is available when connecting from the university’s premises. A connection account (RA account) should be opened, and the required format is:  more info:


Access to library e-resources

All students are eligible to access library electronic resources during their studies and for one additional year. It is possible to connect to the service, either from campus public computers, from the eduroam network, or through your HujiMail or temporary code.  more info:


Online Learning


Most of our courses deploy, to a certain extent, synchronic or a-synchronic E-learning techniques, where its core is Moodle ( Moodle is the platform which enables access to assignments, learning materials and Zoom meetings and recordings. You can access Moodle with your ID and temporary code or Mail Huji credentials.

Just before the Semester begins, you will be receiving a ZOOM registration message to your HujiMail account. Make sure you register properly, otherwise you will not be able to participate in your class.

Additionally, we recommend students to be equipped with a computer, video cam and earphones and to check ahead the availability of a reliable internet connection. Further instructions could be located on our site and on Moodle.


Public Computer Services


Access to public computers and public ports is available to all students. Most of these computers could be found in Students’ Computer Centers (HAVOT), and in the libraries.  

Logging in to public computers enables students to study in a digital environment which provides all the applications and library resources needed for studying, a personal drive for file storage, and printing and scanning services. Access to public computers requires an AD account, which is opened for all new students.

Change or reset of an AD password:

Additional information could be found in the Authority of Computation’s site.


Remote access to installed software on campus


HUJI students can connect remotely at any time and use the software installed on public computers, with no further installations on their part. 

To authenticate to this service, you should use your AD credentials , which you regularly use when logging into public computers on campus. Further instructions:


Office 365

All active students are entitled to free five installations of Office365 on various devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets.

More info:


  Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching and Additional Software Services


Each student can have access to download SPSS, Matlab, Mathematica, JMP and ArcGIS during their studies. In addition, the University is constantly developing for its students additional teaching applications such as Moodle, curriculum, etc.

More information about student software services

Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is available for students in the following faculties and programs: Science, Brain Sciences, Computer Science, Medicine, Dental Medicine, Veterinary, Agriculture, Statistics, Occupational Therapy, and Social Work.

The program grants free access for a suite of Microsoft applications including Operating Systems, Servers, and Development tools.



In addition to the Students’ Computer Centers teams, students can also be assisted by our central support Center: 02-5883450.
whatsup:  052-588-6733 
Mail:, Facebook: HujiPCSupport,


Website of the Division for Computation

Additional guides and information about services could be found on the website of the Authority for Computation: .